Hoosier Heritage Farm uses abattoirs that are inspected by the USDA and/or the Indiana State Board of Health. This ensures the safety and wholesomeness of meat and poultry products, and ensures that they are accurately labeled. It also verifies compliance with the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act for livestock.
.4-.75 lb
.5-.75 Ib
.5 - 1 Ib
.5-1 lbs
.5-1 lb
.5 - 1 Ib
Select Weight Below
Select weight below
12-16 oz
.75-1 Ib
.75 - 1.35 Ib
0.5-1 lb
Select weight below
Approx. 1 lb
1-1.1 lb package
16-20 oz
1-1.25 Ib
1-2 lb package
1-1.5 Ibs
1-1.5 Ib
1-1.5 Ibs
1-1.5 lb
1-2 Ibs
1-2 Ibs
1-2 lbs